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Ch 06 Dynamic for Reflection

Ch 06 Dynamic for Reflection

Q An inspector from the department of weights and measures in a particular city made a routine examination of the gasoline pumps at a serivce station to check their accuracy. The inspector found that one pump delivered only 4.5 gallons when the meter showed 5 gallons. The inspector sealed the pump and issued a summons ordering the station owner to report to a hearing to be held the following day. The hearing would be conducted by the commission of the department of weights and measures. The operator of the service station claimed that the commissioner lacked authority to compel him to appear at the hearing. Does the commissioner have authority to regulate the operation of the service station? Why or why not?

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The administrative agencies have three basic functions which they are entitled to use for enforcing laws or for penalizing defaulters who do not abide by the law or who violate the law. The first function is rulemaking which implies that the administrative agencies can form or make laws if they feel that making of laws is necessary to be implemented at the point of the decision making process (Liuzzo & Bonnice, 2016). Therefore, administrative agencies can act like the Congress in this aspect. The second function to which the administrative agencies are entitled to is the function of enforcement or enforcing a particular law to a particular defaulter who has not abided by the law (Liuzzo & Bonnice, 2016).